Flying Spaghetti Monster religion beliefs

Adam and Eve eating Spaghetti from Tree as part of Flying Spaghetti Monster

Flying Spaghetti Monster religion beliefs are largely based on the belief that a flying spaghetti monster is a deity. The religion was founded by an expat from Italy who moved to America. He is known as Shrek, and he created the Flying Spaghetti Monster in 2003.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster believes in the existence of humans, but does not believe that humans are intelligent or have free will. He wants them to be like him: mindless, obedient servants who do whatever they’re told. It’s unclear what this means for human development!

The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the deity of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He has been described by believers as a “great and bearded noodle with a cephalopod head, arms, and legs”. The deity is also known as Pastafarianism’s version of God, who is not considered to be an actual person but rather a “religious symbol” that many people use to express their beliefs in a more humorous way than they would otherwise be able to do so.

The religion was founded in 2005 by Bobby Henderson, who believed that he had made contact with an alien being while watching television. Henderson later became a member of The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) when he claimed that his noodle-shaped god had sent him a message through television stating that “it’s OK not to believe in Him.”

The Flying Spaghetti Monster, or FSM, is the state religion of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (CFSM) and the only officially recognized religion in the United States.

Bobby Henderson Flying Spaghetti Monster

The CFSM was founded by Bobby Henderson, who started out as a protest against teaching creationism in schools. In 2006 he created a website where people could sign up to receive a “pastafarianism” certificate upon completing an online survey.

In response to a letter from Henderson’s attorney asking for his religion to be recognized by the US government as an official religion, The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster was officially recognized as an official offshoot of Pastafarianism by its own board of directors on December 16th, 2018.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster is a popular deity in the parody religion of Pastafarianism. It was created as a parody of the Christian God, and has since become an international symbol for atheists, agnostics, and other non-believers.

The religion started as an online joke that grew into something much bigger than anyone could have imagined. The first Pastafarian church opened in 2005, and now there are more than 500 churches throughout the United States alone.

The flying spaghetti monster (FSM) is depicted as a sentient pasta noodle with a long beard and antennae who flies through space on his godly noodle-powered spaceship. The FSM was first described in a poem written by Bobby Henderson in Kansas in 2005. In it, he says that he created the Flying Spaghetti Monster at least “two hours” before midnight on December 12th (which would be December 13th if you’re following US daylight savings time).

Adam and Eve eating Spaghetti from Tree as part of Flying Spaghetti Monster

The Flying Spaghetti Monster is a satirical deity that was designed to poke fun at the creationism movement, which promotes the belief that God created everything and assigned different roles to each of his creations—like Adam, who did all the hard work; Eve, who helped him; and God himself, who stayed up on high and just watched it all happen.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster was created as a way for Henderson to satirise creationism. He believed that if he could create a deity that was so ridiculous that no one could take it seriously, then he could prove how ridiculous creationism really is. And he’s been successful! In addition to being recognized by the American Humanist Association as one of the most successful humanist activists in history, Henderson has also raised millions of dollars through donations from people all over the world who support his efforts to promote scientific literacy among children.

Flying Spaghetti Monsterism is a religion that claims to be the true path to understanding the divine. It’s a belief system that originated from the work of an author named Bobby Henderson. He wrote a book called The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, which first started as a joke but has since become popular among atheists and agnostics.

The religion itself is based on several core beliefs: 

  • that God is not real; 
  • that Jesus never existed; 
  • and that humans were created by an extraterrestrial being named ZEBRA. 

The Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) is believed to be a force of nature created by atheists who believe that humans were not created by God, but rather by a flying spaghetti monster from outer space. The FSM uses His Noodly Appendage in order to create life and destroy it at will.

Since its inception in 2005, the Pastafarian religion has grown exponentially and now has over 2 million members worldwide! Flying Spaghetti Monster is a religion that believes that the universe was created by a flying spaghetti monster.

The religion was started in 2001 by Bobby Henderson. The religion is a parody of other religions, but it’s not meant to be taken seriously. The members of the Flying Spaghetti Monster religion believe that they are all one people and have the same beliefs.

The religion has its own sacred texts which include the “Book of Pastafarianism” and “The Holy Noodly Appendage.” The holy book explains how humans evolved from monkeys and how they became civilised. It also details how people should live their lives and what they should do if they are ever confronted by someone who doesn’t believe in Flying Spaghetti Monsterism.

There are many different branches of Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, including Pastafarianism, Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (CFSM), Church of Me (CoM), Church of Feels (CoF), Church of Death (CoD), Church of FSM (CFSM) and many others.

The central belief of the religion is that the Flying Spaghetti Monster created us, and then he left us to do our own thing. The religion also holds that he does not have any specific form or shape—he can appear as a flying spaghetti monster, a noodle, or anything else he wants to.

The main holy book for believers of this religion is called “The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster”. It contains many commandments for followers to follow, including: “Don’t kill”, “Don’t steal”, and “Don’t lie”.

Other beliefs include: God created man from clay; therefore we all came from clay. We will all be returned to clay on Judgment Day; no one will escape judgement except those who have been saved by grace through Jesus Christ (Romans 8:1-4).

In addition to having their own beliefs about God and his creation, members of this religion also believe in other things such as evolution, vaccinations, and evolution again (which disproves evolution).


The Flying Spaghetti Monster was meant to be a parody of the Christian god and follow a similar story line. The Flying Spaghetti Monster was invented by Henderson as a way to satirise creation myths, which he thought were too literal and boring.

According to the beliefs of this fictional deity, He created humans on Friday and placed them on Earth against their will, where we are forced to invent religions in order to make sense of our lives. He also made us all eat too much pasta, which causes us to have fun at his expense.