If all people would be Flying Spaghetti Monster followers Pastafarians

Imagine a world where everyone is a devout follower of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. A world where pasta is the ultimate food group and beer volcanoes and stripper factories are the norm. It would be a world filled with laughter, carbs, and endless puns.

The world has potential, it just needs to be realized. As John Lennon sang a long time ago, imagine, it’s easy if you try… So, this is what it would look like:

 Firstly, let’s talk fashion. Pastafarians would be the most stylish people on the planet. Our outfits would be adorned with pasta-themed accessories, from spaghetti necklaces to farfalle bracelets. Our hair would be styled into spaghetti braids and we would all carry around a fork for emergency pasta-eating situations. And forget about high heels – we’d all be rocking a pair of meatball slippers.

 As for food, every meal would be a pasta party. Spaghetti and meatballs, fettuccine Alfredo, lasagna, carbonara – you name it, we’d be eating it. But it wouldn’t just be traditional pasta dishes. We’d be constantly experimenting with new pasta creations, like mac and cheese stuffed ravioli or pizza topped with spaghetti carbonara. And forget about diets – the only thing we’d be counting would be the number of pasta shapes we’ve tried.

 But it’s not just about the food. Our daily routines would also be infused with Pastafarian humor. We’d start every morning with a bowl of spaghetti cereal (yes, that’s a thing) and a prayer to the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Our workplaces would have beer volcanoes instead of water coolers and we’d take breaks to play a game of pasta twister. And if we needed a pick-me-up, we’d visit the local stripper factory for a dance party.

 In a world of Pastafarians, puns would reign supreme. We’d be constantly making jokes about pasta and the Flying Spaghetti Monster. “I’m not a saucetarian, I’m a Pastafarian.” “My religion is al dente.” “I don’t always pray, but when I do, I pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster.” And let’s not forget about the holy trinity of Pastafarianism – pasta, pirates, and beer.

 But it wouldn’t all be fun and games. As Pastafarians, we’d also take our responsibilities seriously. We’d work tirelessly to promote the values of our religion – love, equality, and acceptance. We’d fight against discrimination and prejudice, and work to create a world where everyone can be free to express their love of pasta and the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

 In a world of Pastafarians, there would be no wars – only pasta cook-offs. We’d celebrate our differences with a plate of spaghetti and a smile. And at the end of the day, we’d all gather together to watch the sunset over the beer volcano, content in the knowledge that we’re all part of something bigger than ourselves.

A world where pasta reigns supreme and the Flying Spaghetti Monster is king. It may seem like a silly dream, but who knows? With enough passion and dedication, maybe we can make it a reality. In the meantime, let’s enjoy our pasta and spread the love of the Flying Spaghetti Monster wherever we go.